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At State House, Kenya, the Hierarchs of Kenya, leaders of African Orthodoxy, together with His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodoros II are received by H.E William Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya. The agenda focused on working relations and coordinated efforts between the Orthodox Church and State.

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Official Visit to the Office of Governor of Nyeri County H.E Mutahi Kahiga

Christ’s Church and the State, continue to establish fruitful ties, particularly in matters of community development, and service to the Kenyan people.His Grace, Bishop Panaretos was cordially received by the Governor at the county government offices .

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At a State function Graced by Her Excellency Dorcas Rigathi

At the launch of the a new programme, that is aimed at empowering the youth with technical skills attended by His Grace, Bishop Panaretos alongside Her Excellency Dorcas Rigathi, the Second Lady of the Republic of Kenya at Mukurweini Constituency.

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With HE Kinaniri Woroe the Deputy of Nyeri County

His Grace with his friend, HE Kinaniri Waroe, who appreciates and supports the work of the Orthodox Church in the region of Nyeri and Mt kenya

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Meeting with MP John Kguchia

Constructive engagement with Mukurweini Constituency, Member of Parliament,Hon John Kaguchia. The parliamentarian lauded His Grace, for his positive efforts, especially in providing education for some of the region’s most needy students.

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Meeting with the Governor

At a Special Meeting at the County Government of Nyeri Offices, attended by His Grace togather with the Vicar General Rev Fr Cyprian Githinji, Chairman of Diocesan Governing Council

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Prayers at a State Function

His Grace, Bishop Panaretos conducts prayers at the launch of the Tujiajiri Programme in Mukurweini Constituency. An event attended by H E Dorcas Rigathi, spouse of the Deputy President of Kenya, the Deputy Governor of Nyeri County, Area Member of Parliament, and Regional Police Commander among many other important government officials.

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We have a fun facts far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.


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